“El espejo humano“, “La condena“, “La rosa congelada” y “Ante la araña” forman parte de la Sección Oficial del IndieWise Virtual Festival que se lleva en Miami.

Indie wise
The Grand IndieWise Convention takes place next July 2017. You are also welcome to join us in Miami, FL for this world class event, and you will receive communications regarding this, in the coming months. Convention Registration opens early January 2017, so please join the event page below and stay posted. Let us know if you have any questions or need assistance.
The purpose of IndieWise is to allow for an open platform of Independent Filmmakers, Artists, and Art Lovers, who seek Objective Feedback on their work from peers, and wish to also participate in providing feedback and judging other projects or works.
With currently over 10K Subscribers from over 140 Countries, IndieWise is a free open platform that allows you to Watch a wide variety of diverse and original Independent Films & Music Videos, as well as Upload your own Projects. Additionally, you have the ability to Objectively Judge Projects, and receive such Feedback on your own Projects.
We’re Happy to Officially Welcome You to Your Exciting, New, Innovative platform where you may securely Upload your Officially Selected Projects. What’s Amazing is that you have the ability to Objectively Judge & Nominate other Projects and Receive such Feedback & Awards on your own Projects! IndieWise believes that we should have a Voice as Filmmakers, Artists, and Art Lovers!
Basado en una historia real. Una joven de 17 años con problemas de sociabilidad vive sin apenas contacto con el exterior, encerrada en casa contempla cada día las crueldades anunciadas en las noticias y su mente se va acercando cada vez más a la peligrosa forma de ser de la sociedad.