“La condena” Sección Oficial de FRICINE 2017 - 6º Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental (Brasil)

La condena” forma parte de la Sección Oficial de FRICINE 2017 - 6º Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental Brasil, festival que se desarrolla del 14 al 19 de noviembre del 2017 en Brasil.
  FRICINE aims to display, publicize and reward audiovisual works, ideas and actions that by their artistic form and the relevance of its content contribute to promote the overcoming of problems that disturb the Peace of Humanity and threaten Life on Earth.
Opting to go against primarily commercial interests, FRICINE’s biggest prize iss to give the public access to the debate on the main problems that the human being and it ecosystem face today.

Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental

Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental

The 6th International Socio-Environmental Film Festival will be made up of competitive exhibitions; Special programs and activities.
FRICINE 2017 will award audiovisual works in the categories INTERNATIONAL ; Regional & SocioEnvironmental Science
All the participating works should present socioenvironmental themes. As “Socio-Environmental Cinema” FRICINE considers films and videos of all genres and formats that focus on and interpret as a determining factor of their narratives the most diverse aspects of the human species’ relationships and interactions with their environment, in a perspective of environmental, economic and social sustainability.
Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental

Festival Internacional de Cinema Socioambiental

FRICINE 2017 wants to stimulate the questioning and debate about the validity of so many “official and unofficial values, truths and certainties” that have been dominating in an increasingly dark and destructive way the great scenery of life on our planet.
Durante el 2014 se produjeron de media 189 desahucios diarios en España. 2 desahucios cada 15 min. Este desahucio se ejecuto a las 17h.


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