“La condena” Sección Oficial de Hollywood Renegade Shorts Film Festival (Estados Unidos)

La condena ha sido seleccionado en la Sección Oficial del Festival “Hollywood Renegade Shorts Film Festival“. Un festival que promueve y galardona cortometrajes internacionalmente.

Hollywood Renegade Shorts Film Festival (Estados Unidos)

Hollywood Renegade Shorts Film Festival (Estados Unidos)

All films must be the original work of the author or authors. Hollywood Renegsde Shorts accepts all genres of short films under 45 minutes. Beginner to advanced filmmakers welcome. No time restrictions on when the film was made. All Fees are non-refundable. Dates and venues are subject to change.
All projects submitted should be in English or have English subtitles. All ages are allowed. There will be no discrimination if you are under 18 or older than 65.
Durante el 2014 se produjeron de media 189 desahucios diarios en España. 2 desahucios cada 15 min. Este desahucio se ejecuto a las 17h.


Copyright © 2009 Marc Nadal. All rights reserved.