“Ciudadanos” Nominado en el International Short Film Festival Beveren (Bélgica).

Ciudadanos” ha sido nominado en el International Short Film Festival Beveren que se llevará a cabo del 4 al 11 de Diciembre del 2017.
international-short-film-festival-beveren-belgicaInternational Short Film Festival Beveren is a one week festival with live screenings.
Five evenings, national and international shorts are screened and judged by the audience. The winners will compete during a showdown in the weekend.
We select the “Best International Short Film”, the “Best Short Film from Belgium”,
the “Best Animation” and “Best Documentary” and a Cultural Prize.
All short films with a running time up to fifty minutes are welcome.
The winners of the Live Festival - if present - will be interviewed on the spot. This interview will be published on our website(s) and social media. The winners receive a beautiful trophy and a certificate and laurel of winning.
Best Short Film National.
Best Short Film International.
Best Documentary Short Worldwide
Best Animated Short Worldwide.
Best Film of A National Filmclub (on Saturday 09/12/2017)
La falta de trabajo lleva a los ciudadanos a una situación de emergencia, enfrentándoles unos contra otros, obligándoles a despertar su propio egoísmo para conseguir su supervivencia. Ante la violencia y la injusticia ciudadanos como Noe sufren la ausencia de leyes efectivas.


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